This Blog is about Life! My home is FULL to the brim. With four boys, two girls, a husband with a business to run and a little yappy dog you can expect five things when reading:

1. Laughter ~ I personally love to laugh, I love to find humor in all facets of our life. Even the tough spots.

2. Funny antidotes on family life with six children ~ Including recipes ( creating tasty fare with whole foods is a passion of mine), gardening (or my attempts at a productice organic garden) and tips on how to tame the natives. ;o)

3. Informtaion on Health and Wellness.~ My husbands journey towards better heath through the mires of a puzzling auto immune disorder. How our family embraced a new life style to support his health. And hopefully offer hope to the other 23.5 million americans suffering with auto immune disease...or at least 5 or 6 who may stumble upon this blog.

4. Organic. ~ Anything and everything. LOL I know I have annoyed friends, bugged relatives and puzzled acquaintances with my passion for treating our bodies as God intended. I strive to share with others the benefits and that it IS possible for the average family to live an organic lifestyle.

5. Spirtual insights into daily life, suffering and the natural order. I truly believe when we nuture our whole person, mind, body and spirit we can find true and lasting peace. (Even in a home filled to the brim with 6 busy children!)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

French Pressing a Four year old....

    Eat your heart out Jillian Michaels; I have something better than weights, squats, and the dreaded "turkish get up," Jillian is oh so fond of. I have something much more physically and mentally challenging to master. I have CHILDREN! As I was quietly sitting reading on the couch with some tea, I was marveling at the fact that the chores were done, laundry in, and everyone was in their jammies 45 minutes before bed time. That’s when it happened. Like a thunderstorm rolling in across the lake the boys poured into the living room wrestling. The wrestling...oh the wrestling, you have no idea what a home where the four oldest children are boys can sound like when the wrestling begins. We could have experienced an earthquake and I would be oblivious; no one can tell where the laughing ends and the screams of terror begin. My only rule is, if you can't take it you better not dish it out; that keeps things clean. And of course, the little ones want to be involved. After all, a 26lb spunky little girl can take on her 80lb older brother any day, right? Well not just yet honey, that’s where I come in. You have to be creative when you are warding off big boys on the attack and doing french presses with your toddlers. The other toddlers waiting their turn in the wing occasionally lose their patience and knee bomb on to my abs. Seeing this coming, I am thrown instantly in a pilates move in an attempt to avoid injury, "Hold your core woman!" The workout hit its peak when my large 4 yr old Levi, who’s caught between the big kids and the little ones, wanted some Mommy time. He had been observing the french press, dive bomb routine for a good 15-20 min. Being a little older, he knew better than to just let loose and take the plunge. He said nicely, mommy can I have a turn? Being the devoted mother, I grabbed the chalk, clapped my hands and thrust my 60lb green jammie giant into the air. Four or five presses later, it was time for a cool down, which consisted of smooches and hugs and cuddles. NOW I would like to see one of those buff, perfect ab, super women do WWMOM and come out feeling as alive and happy as I do. (phew, now when does my husband get home with the wine?)

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