This Blog is about Life! My home is FULL to the brim. With four boys, two girls, a husband with a business to run and a little yappy dog you can expect five things when reading:

1. Laughter ~ I personally love to laugh, I love to find humor in all facets of our life. Even the tough spots.

2. Funny antidotes on family life with six children ~ Including recipes ( creating tasty fare with whole foods is a passion of mine), gardening (or my attempts at a productice organic garden) and tips on how to tame the natives. ;o)

3. Informtaion on Health and Wellness.~ My husbands journey towards better heath through the mires of a puzzling auto immune disorder. How our family embraced a new life style to support his health. And hopefully offer hope to the other 23.5 million americans suffering with auto immune disease...or at least 5 or 6 who may stumble upon this blog.

4. Organic. ~ Anything and everything. LOL I know I have annoyed friends, bugged relatives and puzzled acquaintances with my passion for treating our bodies as God intended. I strive to share with others the benefits and that it IS possible for the average family to live an organic lifestyle.

5. Spirtual insights into daily life, suffering and the natural order. I truly believe when we nuture our whole person, mind, body and spirit we can find true and lasting peace. (Even in a home filled to the brim with 6 busy children!)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Du Du Du...Another one bites the dust..or the Carrot as it were. :o)

       I know its been a while for us, but we are still Shakin and Juicin to better health.  And so are a few other folks I know from what I understand.  Ryan just is a very private person, some in my family take offense to this as my siblings and I are so incredibly not, infact I have made some very good friends in the check out line at walmart.  So needless to say I was intrigued that he wanted me to use some of my fun writing skills to share his story.  Not because we wanted accolades or needed moral support, but because we hoped we could offer an alternative to anyone else out there dealing with chroic illness or failing health.  Ryan had gone to so many doctors and dealt with the side effects of drug cocktails if our words could lessen any one else's suffering of even just offer hope, he was willing to share.   I can not explain in words the sense of vigor and joy one gets from making choices for your self that dramatically increase your quality of life, so I won't.  I have a "guest" blog from my favorite nephew ;) Jason Metz.  One caveat, most folks reading this who have known me as an adult know me as Jennifer, Jen, Or Mrs. Smail.  My family knows me as aunty Jenny, you have been warned. ;o)

Jason's Journey:

    Hello, My name is Jason Metz (Jenny Smail's nephew) I wish to share with you some thoughts on the change to whole foods vs processed foods and the Standard American Diet, and a change in which will hopefully encourage other readers of this blog.

I am 29, I stand in at 6'5 and I at my peak weight was 378 lbs. I wouldn't describe myself as completely fat as I work on my feet alot and have always been active. However these activities have gone down immensely and I definitely wasn't getting leaner. Due to various schedule changes in the past 5 years between school, work and play, I was both a sleep schedule wreck and a dietary wreck. I ate whatever whenever and whatever amount I felt like including many servings of sugary foods throughout the day and my biggest vice of Soda.

In February I went to see the Doctor for sleep issues and he looked at me, prescribed meds to help me out but also said no alcohol, no caffiene. No problem I said and went home and cut it down to 1 can of soda a week. Lent came and a co-worker was cutting out "sweets", I figured I will join her (only allowing frozen yogurt once in a while). I started losing weight, and not just some it started to add up 10, 15, 20lbs. By Easter I was 30 lbs lighter and on a roll I changed more, I cut fried foods and pre-made no sugar added Apple Juice (its worse for you than you think). However I was at a weight stalemate, nothing was really happening, no gain-no loss.

I got a the gift of a kidney stone and did a wellness check up at work around the same time. I received some good news regarding my blood work at the wellness check up. Went and had a CT scan for Kidney stones (the worst pain in my life) and by the time I had the scan it was all gone. I found out other information though, I have a fatty liver. Not an issue, many overweight people of it, however it is not a great thing to have when diabetes runs in your family. I contacted Jenny because of the success she and Ryan has had, I did some basic research on the glycemic index and a fiber content index and I was hooked on the idea.

Since 2 weeks ago my diet has leaned even more towards fruits and vegetables, probably 80-85%. 2 weeks in and I am 10 lbs lighter and counting. At night I still eat what one would consider a well portioned dinner, all day all I eat is fruits, veggies and some nuts along with water and milk either in their natural state or made into a smoothie via my Ninja.

If I can do all of this, anyone can consider making dietary changes that would lead to better health. I ate fast food at least 5-7 times a week and drank 2+ liters of soda a day. I had no energy, I was uncomfortable in my own skin and couldnt sleep. Now my energy level doesnt peak and valley like before, I feel better as to my outward appearance (my belt is almost to big) and I am still working on sleep, but it is getting better, I am a little over 40lbs lost total. Last time I went into the doctors office the nurses cheered for 30lbs lost, give me a couple more months and we will see some excitement.

When Jenny and Ryan first started this I was a skeptic but the overall theme from my journey in the past 3 months is this: You have to choose things that you know you will be successful at.

Here is me in a nutshell and why this works for me:

- I am busy so I don't make time to prepare food for the next day
- I dont like to spend alot of money on eating
- If I had to choose between eating and drinking I prefer drinking
- I dont like grocery shopping that much and certainly dont have time or a memory to count points or anything

Why it works for me:

- I cut one thing out at a time, you cant change everything overnight, dont try- it leads to failure.
- I can throw fruits and veggies in a bag and I am good to go. Little to no prep and the Ninja is easy to clean.
- Buying mostly fruits and veggies are cheaper than a diet that consists of processed foods and meats.
 - I can make smoothies all the time with my Ninja
- Mostly fruits and veggies leave you one main section to visit
-If you were on weight watchers most veggies and alot of fruits are 0 pts

That is my story, hopefully it inspires more people to start down this pathway. For me this has been a life change for the past 3 months not just a fad diet which one does for a month and then onto the next thing. I had no long term objective when I started, but now I have several long term goals I am working on because of the success I have had in this and the way it makes me feel.

Good luck and Good health
Jason Metz

*I have to add that I am so impressed with Jason's determination and will power.  He first contacted me during the last two weeks of tax season (Ryan owns a CPA firm.), his story helped keep me on track even when I wanted to grab a quick bite.  I have many nephews (all awesome in their own regard) and other than my inspirational nephew Aaron who went vegan a few years ago virtually healing himself of astma, I never immagined the first person to pop out of the wood work would be Jason.  I do believe  Jason has actually won one of those eat this giagantic steak and you get it for free deals.  Well Jason, I am officially here to thank you on behalf of your newly glowing liver & colon.  LOL

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